About App Info properties

App info tab contains information related to the whole app, it is divided into sections:


●      Caption - app name (identifier), only letters, numbers and underscore characters

●      Purpose - app description, description is displayed for users on app create screen.

●      Version - app version, app definitions are versioned when app is published app version is closed and users can use app.

●      Document name - formula can be used here, name of documents created from this app definition.

●      Layout - determines whether the app should be displayed with or without a menu bar.

●      App visibility - specify if app is hidden on create app screen, visible, or visible on high resolution devices only.

●      Show formulas - specify if end user can peek/see formulas used in spreadsheet cells.

●      Alignment - app sections alignment.

●      Theme - A set of styles that can be applied to the app (available from version 2.2).

●      App style - defines the overall appearance of the application, including background color, margins and section spacing, allowing you to customize the structure and layout of the entire application

●      Default style - provides a uniform appearance for all widgets in the app (available from version 2.2).

●      Icon - app documents icon.

●     Type - app type it can be instance, distribute, wizapp.

●      Anonymous access - determines whether the app is available to people who are not logged in qalcwise website.

●      Stand-in mode - determines whether the app can be accessed by a person replacing a given user.

●      Workspace - determines which workspace the app is assigned to.

●     Permissions - define which people have access to the application and what permissions they have in it.

●     Owners - being the owner of the app, we have full rights to edit, delete and give others permissions.

●      Super editor - who can create this app, in all states.

●     Production creators - who can create this app, when is activated.

●      Draft creators - who can create this app documents.

Input parameters - app can have multiple input parameters, input parameters can be used to synchronise between apps, or as parameters while distributing app to users.

KPIs - key process indicators, one responsible person pointed by formula (formula must return person email), and up to 3 indicators pointing to spreadsheet cells.

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