Qalcwise apps definitions are versioned, apps can have three statuses:
- draft - app definition modification and tests
- production - app is activated and published to users
- obsolete - old version exists to have definition for old app documents
App definition life cycle:
- app creation, version - 1 (draft)
- app modifications and tests (multiple saves possible), version - 1 (draft)
- app activation, version - 1 (production)
- app modification after activation, version - 2 (draft)
at this moment, there are two versions of app, version 1 (production) and version 2 (draft) - App activation, version - 2 (production)
- app modification after activation, version - 3 (draft)
at this moment, there are three versions of app, version 1 (obsolete), version 2 (production) and version 3 (draft)
App documents created with a specific version will use this version through all lifecycle. For example, an app document with a long lasting workflow created in version 3 in January, in July still uses (obsolete) version 3 definition, regardless of the fact that a current (production) version is 6.