App Designer Workspace – Getting Around

App Designer is a place where you can design look and behavior of an application using the tools available in a toolbox. The whole mechanism of creating an application in Designer is to move widgets on the panel designer, and then you set up and determine the relationship between widgets and data sources.


App Designer consists of several main elements:

  1. UI Designer area - drag widgets on this area to create rich UI for your application, enrich your sections with business logic written by friendly formulas.
  2. Workflow area - visual workflow designer, add states and actions between them, fill them with action steps and formulas.
  3. App action buttons
    1. Preview - preview app in a new window (make sure your browser can open windows from qalcwise)
    2. Save - save app draft version
    3. Activate - activate and publish app to other users
    4. Disable app - disables app
    5. Bundle app - bundle your app with other apps
    6. Restore production version - (only available for production app drafts) removes the draft version and restore to the production version
    7. Import app definition - imports app definition form a file
    8. Export app definition - exports app definition to file
  4. Filters - toggles visibility options
    1. Headers - toggle sections headers
    2. Formulas - toggle cell formulas
    3. Types - toggle cell types
  5. Toolbox
    1. App info tab - app options
    2. Data tab - access to your data objects
    3. Options tab - selected object options
  6. Widgets - variety of sections you can build app UI with
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