Widgets are building blocks of qalcwise app UI, while in designer drag widget from the list to the design panel or click on it.
All widgets share common options:
- Name - name identifies section in designer, it can be used in formula
- Visibility - visibility formula has to evaluate to boolean value for example: =A1 > 0
- Hide mode - hide - hides section but section can be referenced and used in other sections, nodata - section is not rendered
- Auto width - automatic section width, can be set from 1/6 to 6/6 of screen size
Once the wigdets are on a design pane, you can move, delete, copy and resize them.
Following widgets are available in qalcwise:
- Spreadsheet - base spreadsheet widget, can be bound to one data document.
- Table - table spreadsheet widget, one row can be bound to one data document, rows can be added and removed
- Single field - works much like a Spreadsheet, except that it only has one field and an additional label
- Rich Text Editor - rich formatted text with images
- Attachments - attachments allow to add multiple attachments to an application
- Signature Pad - signature pad allows you to write by hand in the field of this section
- Tree selector - allows users to visualise the data structure and select a single element from the tree
- Diagram - diagrams, multiple series of data can be visualized
- Image - allow adding images and displaying them in app
- External page - allow displaying other websites inside an app
- Container - allow adding other widgets inside and also it can be expanded or collapsed
- Separator - separates widgets from each other
- Button - custom action button, can set cell value or refresh spreadsheet
- History - workflow and communication history
- Workflow actions - workflow actions, required at least one on the app that contains workflow state