Workspace basics


1.  Workspaces - thematic areas, where you can have your apps, messages and tasks;
they are used to organize space; when you press arrow next to name of Workspace, a list will expand, where you can select or add a workspace, more about it.

2. Return to the home page button - goes back to last visited tab (one of four) on 'My workspace'

3. Tab with apps - tab with your apps in given Workspace

4. Dashboard - is a type of graphical user interface which often provides at-a-glance views of key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to a particular objective or business process; in Qalcwise you can put there your VizApp with data, which are important for you, more about it

5. Grid - shows all created versions of the app and related data such as state, editor or modification date

6. Inbox - the tab, where are your tasks to do and apps to be read, more about it.

7. App search options - options which facilate finding a specific app in the app tab:
- searching by name
- favourite apps
- draft apps

8. Activated apps - apps activated in given Workspace

9. 'Create new app' button - when you click, you will go to new app designer
(only people who have permission to create apps can see)

10. Marketplace - here you can download ready-made apps

11. Back to workspace button - goes back to last visited tab (one of four) on last visited workspace

12. Designer - here you can enter the designer of any app you create (only people who have permission to create apps can see)

13. Admin - there are informations and setting of website, apps and users (only people who have administrator rights can see)

14. Profile - profile settings such as language and time zone and 'log out' button

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