ActionStep: Add Editors

As of version 2.2, the action step has been changed - add editors adds editors in a document, the editor is the person responsible for the document, can modify the document, perform workflow actions.

If the editor is a group of users, or more than one user, the first person to enter the document takes over exclusive editing rights. If you want multiple editors to be able to open the document at the same time, set 'Multiple' in the workflow state options in the properties. The changes of the user who executes the workflow action first will be saved.

Where the action can be used:

Editors (type: text or text array) - editors to add, user email or user group name, or a formula returning one or an array of emails or group names.

Remove previous (type: logical value) - if the value TRUE is entered, the previous editors lose their privileges. If a value of FALSE is entered, previous editors retain their privileges.

=array('', 'UserGroupName')


Version older than 2.2

Add Editors - Adds editors to a document, editor is a person responsible for a document in a  workflow state, editor can edit a document, run workflow actions.

If there is more than one editor, or if a group of users is set as the editor, the first one that enters the document, becomes the single editor.

Where you can use action:

Editors (text or array of texts) - user email or the name of a user group, formula that returns one or array of user emails or user groups.
=array(‘’, ‘UserGroupName’)

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