In this tutorial you will learn what is and how you to create Workflow.
In this app you will create a request, send it and accept or reject it. For the purpose of simplifying it all of the actions will be done by te same person.
In workflow you can use two types of elements: states and actions.
Create new states in the left corner of the workflow tab.Add actions by clicking a small arrow on a state and dragging it to another state.
Change states and actions names by clicking on them and editing the 'name' field in 'options' tab.
Create new app, and go to the 'Workflow' view.
States that you need to create:
-new request
Then add actions:
-create a request
Here is the scheme of our app's workflow:
2.Adding actionsteps on enter/ on leave and on action
On enter, on leave or on action you can add different actionsteps. One example of an actionstep is: "add editors".
To be able to accept or reject a request you need to add yourself as an editor. Here's how to do it:
2.a click on a action
2.b add an actionstep and choose 'add editors' or 'set editors' from the list
2.c write your email address there
In this particular app you will need to add yourself as an editor in action 'create a request' and in 'send' action.
3.Final steps
3.ago to the ‘Info’ tab and add yourself as draft creators
3.b add 'workflow actions' widget
4.Running the app
Save your app and see how it works.
After running the app you can do the first action:
Click the button.
Now go to the Inbox and there will appear your task:
When you click on it you will be able to proceed with the next action.
Continue till the end.
Congratulations! You created your first workflow!