Qalcwise API version: 2.1.0.x
The following documentation demonstrate usage of the most common functionality of Qalcwise API. All the examples assume the API base address BASE_URL is, where "subdomain" is your company subdomain name.
Table of contents:
- Basics
- data types
- basic response
- basic request
- URL encoding
- Authentication
- obtaining a token
- create a token
- Record
- get all records
- search for records
- get single record
- get multiple records with given keys
- add new records
- update records
- update or insert records
- delete all records
- delete single record
- delete multiple records with given keys
- Application
- get application instance
- search for application instance
- create application instance
- execute action in application instance
- Attachment
- get the list of attachments in application instance
- download an attachment, with given id
- download an attachment, with given name
- add an attachment to application instance
- add an attachment to data record
- delete an attachment,with given id
- delete an attachment with given id from application instance or data record
Date is passed like:
value : "2012-04-23"DateTime is passed like:
value : "2014-05-19T18:25:43.511"DateTimeUTC is passed like:
value : "2012-04-23T18:15:43.511Z"Boolean values are passed like:
value : true
value : falseNumbers are passed like:
value : 22
value : 3.141592Strings are passed like:
value : "some text"
If the response is different than GET and error is not a default(for example when resource is not found, or the Token is not provided) API error the json is returned. It always contains:
IsSuccess: Boolean,
ErrorMessage: String
If the request was successful the "IsSuccess" is set TRUE.
If there are errors the "IsSuccess" is set FALSE, additionally there may be a custom message in "ErrorMessage" field.
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMessage": null
Each API request has to have "Authorization" header with value Token and "Content-Type" header with value "application-json".
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization -> Type: Bearer -> Token - eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yM[...]
IMPORTANT! Each Request to API has to meet the Basic Request requirement.
When the identifier (id) contains special characters such as spaces, slashes or other chracters that may cause issues in URL's, it is reccommended to encode the ID using URL encoding (e.g. 123/456 becomes 123%2F456).
Example encoding:
- a&b -> a%26b
- a:b -> a%3Ab
- a/b ->a%2Fb
You should use an endpoint where the identifier is passed as a query parameter.
GET /api/record/{name}?id=[ID]
GET /api/record/TABLE_API?id=a%26b
POST /api/attachment?id=[ID]&address=[address]&action=[ActionName]
POST /api/attachment?id=1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d&address=SECTION2.A1&action=Save
DELETE /api/attachment?id=[id]&address=[address]&attachmentID=[id]
DELETE /api/attachment?id=1-DataTable-TEST_TAB_API-2&address=FILE&attachmentID=543008a098144e29aee04dafa99e9
Method |
Path |
Description |
/api/token |
Obtaining token. |
Endpoint responsible for authenticating provided credentials.
POST /api/token
The user has to POST x-www-form-urlencoded user credentials together with "grant_type" (for now only "password" grant type is supported):
username: user_identifier
password: password
grant_type: password
Together with header:
If the authentication request returns an error "401 - Unauthorized", it most likely means that the user is not in group API and is not authorized to use API (User can be added to group API by editing a system datatable SYSUSERINGROUP).
When User is authenticated successfully the endpoint returns the json containing "access_token", together with "token_type", who requested it and expiration information.
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAxLzA0L3htbGRzaWctbW9yZSNobWFjLXNoYTM4NCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQHRlc3QucGwiLCJ1bmlxdWVfbmFtZSI6IkFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiLCJodHRwOi8vcWFsY3dpc2UvY2xhaW1zL2RiaWQiOiIxLUxpc3QtU1lTVVNFUi1BRE1JTkBURVNULlBMIiwicm9sZSI6WyIqT3duZXIiLCJBRE1JTklTVFJBVE9SUyIsIkFMTCIsIkRFU0lHTkVSUyIsIlVTRUxPQ0FMQVBQUyQiLCJBUEkiXSwiaXNzIjoiUWFsY3dpc2UiLCJhdWQiOiIqIiwiZXhwIjoxNDk5OTg0OTQzLCJuYmYiOjE0OTk5NDE3NDN9.u0PeBG5nDHnhVooXSQ_X_Rgq5riV4ybETs_7db6L8YcDLG3IMw6zprD--gQ7FqRC",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 43199
"access_token" and "token_type" are the most important. They are used to create the Token value that should be stored by the Client using the API.
Concatenate values "token_type" with "access_token" from /api/token JSON response.
IMPORTANT!: The "token_type" with "access_token" have to be space( " " ) separated.
Example token:
"bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAxLzA0L3htbGRzaWctbW9yZSNobWFjLXNoYTM4NCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQHRlc3QucGwiLCJ1bmlxdWVfbmFtZSI6IkFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiLCJodHRwOi8vcWFsY3dpc2UvY2xhaW1zL2RiaWQiOiIxLUxpc3QtU1lTVVNFUi1BRE1JTkBURVNULlBMIiwicm9sZSI6WyIqT3duZXIiLCJBRE1JTklTVFJBVE9SUyIsIkFMTCIsIkRFU0lHTkVSUyIsIlVTRUxPQ0FMQVBQUyQiLCJBUEkiXSwiaXNzIjoiUWFsY3dpc2UiLCJhdWQiOiIqIiwiZXhwIjoxNDk5OTg0OTQzLCJuYmYiOjE0OTk5NDE3NDN9.u0PeBG5nDHnhVooXSQ_X_Rgq5riV4ybETs_7db6L8YcDLG3IMw6zprD--gQ7FqRC"
Token is the way that the user is authenticated and authorized on the server side. Each API Request which requires authentication has to have it as "Authorization" header.
Contains all the basic CRUD functionality for records in definitions.
Method |
Path |
Description |
/api/record/{name} |
Get all records |
/api/searchrecord/{name} |
Search for records |
/api/record/{name}/{recordID} |
Get single record |
/api/getrecords/{name} |
Get multiple records with given keys |
/api/record/{name} |
Add new records |
/api/record/{name} |
Update records |
/api/recordupsert/{name} |
Update or insert records |
/api/deleteallrecords/{name} |
Delete all records |
/api/record/{name}/{recordID} |
Delete single record |
/api/record/{name} |
Delete multiple records with given keys |
name - Name of the Definition we want to get records from
recordID - Unique ID of a record(can be a single value or composite).
Get all records of given definition, offset and limit can be specified.
GET /api/record/{name}?offset=1&limit=2
offset - how many records should be skipped
optional: true
type: integer >= 0
limit - limits number of returned records
optional: true
type: integer >=0
json returned:
"_id": "1-List-SYSUSER-JOHN.DOE@GO.COM",
"ISACTIVE": true,
"EMAIL": "",
"NAME": "Test User"
"ISACTIVE": true,
This Method is responsible for getting rows(records) from the given definition, either List or a Table. If no limit and no offset are specified the Response should contain all the rows stored within that definition. Offset parameter specifies how many initial records should be skipped. Limit parameter limits number of returned rows to given value. Both Parameters are optional and should have values bigger or equal 0.
GET /api/record/sysuser?offset=5&limit=10 - skipps first 5 records and gets next 10 from sysuser
Get single record by id.
GET api/record/{name}/{id}
GET api/record/{name}?id=[ID]
- name: name of the table or list
optional: false
type: string
- id: app instance id
optional: false
type: string
json returned:
"_id": "1-List-SYSUSER-JOHN.DOE@GO.COM",
"ISACTIVE": true
Gets the uniquely identifiable record from given definition and returns it as json.
404 - record doesn’t exist
GET /api/record/USER-LIST/1
GET /api/record/TABLE_API?id=5
Search for records of given definition, version > 2.1.0.x.
GET api/recordsearch/{name}?filter=QUERY&select=COLUMN_LIST&limit=LIMIT&bookmark=BOOKMARK
filter - query parameter to retrieve just a subset of a collection - use Lookup query syntax
optional: true
type: string
select - coma separated list of columns that will be returned
optional: true
type: string
limit - limits number of returned records
optional: true
type: integer (max 200)
- bookmark - bookmark parameter allows to get next page of results
json returned:
"NextPageUrl": "next page URL with bookmark parameter filled",
"TotalRecordCount": 2,
"Records": [
"_id": "1-List-SYSUSER-JOHN.DOE@GO.COM",
"NAME": "John Doe"
"EMAIL": "",
"NAME": "Test User"
Search for records from given definition according to filter parameter and returns records data specified.
404 - record doesn’t exist
GET /api/recordsearch/sysuser?filter=email>'d'&select=_id,email,name&limit=1
GET /api/recordsearch/sysuser?filter=created>DATE(2020,1,1)&select=_id,email,name
Get multiple records with given keys.
POST /api/getrecords/{name}
This method needs a structure which contains rows with single or composite keys for rows. Those rows that have matching records in a provided by {name} definition are returned in a JSON.
Structure (Array of objects):
"KeyField" : value,
"KeyField2" : value2
Gets 2 rows from TEST_TABLE, with given id, first row key(1, abc), second row key(11, abc)
"TYPE" : 1,
"NAME" : "cheapProduct"
"TYPE" : 2,
"NAME" : "secondProduct"
"_id": 1,
"NAME": "cheapProduct",
"PRICE": 20
"_id": 11,
"NAME": "elevenProduct",
"PRICE": 10
POST /api/getrecords/TEST-TABLE
Add one or more records.
POST /api/record/{name}
Saves the records provided in the model to definition with {name}.
Structure (Array of objects):
"KeyField" : value,
"KeyField2" : value2,
"Field" : value3
key - column name
"TYPE" : 2,
"NAME" : "newProduct",
"COUNT" : 331
"TYPE" : 2,
"NAME" : "newerProduct",
"COUNT" : 241
json returned:
"Records": [
Issuccess": true,
CreatedId : "1-DataTable-Table_API-7",
"Errors": []
"CreatedId": "1-DataTable-TABLE_API-8",
POST /api/record/PRODUCTS
Update one or more records.
PUT /api/record/{name}
Updates the records provided in the model. If the record is nonexistent it does NOT create it.Update record only if we have an key column. The row to be updated is determined by the key values, they can not be updated. Only the other values which do not belong to the key are updated.
"KeyField" : value,
"KeyField2" : value2,
"Field" : value3
The row defined by composite key(2, "newProduct") will have updated non Key Column "count" value to 1337.
"TYPE" : 2,
"NAME" : "newProduct",
"COUNT" : 1337
json returned:
"Records": [
Issuccess": true,
CreatedId : "1-DataTable-Table_API-2",
"Errors": []
PUT /api/record/PRODUCTS
Upsert (Update or Insert) multiple records.
PUT /api/recordupsert/{name}
Updates or inserts the records provided in the model. If the record is nonexistent it is created it, if it exists it is updated. For the records that exist, the row to be updated is determined by the key values, they can not be updated. Only the other values which do not belong to the key are updated. Records that do not exist are created and added to definition with {name}.
If the record exists the row defined by composite key(3, "someProduct"), will have updated non Key Column "count" value to 300. However if the record does not exists it will be created instead.
"KeyField" : value,
"KeyField2" : value2,
"Field" : value3
"TYPE" : 3,
"NAME" : "someProduct",
"COUNT" : 300
json returned:
"Records": [
Issuccess": true,
CreatedId : "1-DataTable-PRODUCTS-3",
"Errors": []
PUT /api/recordupsert/PRODUCTS
Delete all records from definition.
DELETE api/deleteallrecords/{name}
Deletes all the records that are currently in a definition with given name.
json returned:
"Records": [
Issuccess": true,
CreatedId : "1-DataTable-TEST_TABLE-1",
"Errors": []
Issuccess": true,
CreatedId : "1-DataTable-TEST_TABLE-2",
"Errors": []
Issuccess": true,
CreatedId : "1-DataTable-TEST_TABLE-3",
"Errors": []
DELETE /api/deleteallrecords/TEST_TABLE
Delete single record.
DELETE /api/record/{name}/{id}
DELETE /api/record/{name}?id=[ID]
- name: name of the table or list
optional: fasle
type: string
- id: data record id
optional: false
type: string
Deletes an exact record identified by ID, from definition with given name.
DELETE /api/record/TEST_TABLE/1
DELETE /api/record/TEST_TABLE?id=2
json returned:
"Records": [
Issuccess": true,
CreatedId : "1-DataTable-TEST_TABLE-1",
"Errors": []
Delete selected rows.
DELETE /api/record/{name}
This method needs a model which contains rows with single or composite keys for rows. Those rows that have matching records in a provided by {name} definition are removed.
This will delete from TEST-TABLE the row with composite key(2,"valuableProduct")
REMARK!: Not all values of columns for the row are necessary, it is enough to provide only row values of columns which are marked as keys.
Structure (Array of objects):
"KeyField" : value,
"KeyField2" : value2
key - name of the column containing key
value - value of a key for given row and column
"TYPE" : 2,
"NAME" : "valuableProduct"
json returned:
"Records": [
Issuccess": true,
CreatedId : "1-DataTable-TEST_TABLE-2",
"Errors": []
Enables simple Application interaction in forms of, executing actions on instances and distributing applications to users.
Method |
Path |
Description |
/api/app/{appID} |
Get application instance data |
/api/saerchapp/ |
Search for application instances |
/api/app/ |
Distribute application to users |
/api/app/{appID} |
Execute action in application instance |
Get one application data, version > 2.1.0.x
GET /api/app/{appID}
appID - application instance ID
optional: false
type: string
json returned:
"_id": "1-App-APISEARCH-3-7526f7cafbeb4e86b7c9b4a7a192cb47",
"_archived": false,
"_modified": "2021-05-28T11:20:44.679Z",
"_editor": "ADMINUSER",
"_from": "ADMINUSER",
"_message": "",
"_state": "saved",
"ALIAS_TEXT": "some text",
"_attachments": [
"Id": "ea3026ad885a443db959f7f52602b715",
"Name": "logo.pdn",
"SectionName": "SECTION5",
"Address": "SECTION5.A1"
"Id": "7fd95218153647c49c667c161fc199c1",
"Name": "history.png",
"SectionName": "SECTION5",
"Address": "SECTION5"
User can use this method to get one application instance data. Values started with underscore _ are metadata of application instance. Uppercased values are application aliases.
GET /api/app/1-App-APISEARCH-3-7526f7cafbeb4e86b7c9b4a7a192cb47
Search for application instances of given application, version > 2.1.0.x.
GET api/appsearch/{name}?filter=QUERY&select=COLUMN_LIST&limit=LIMIT&bookmark=BOOKMARK
filter - query parameter to retrieve just a subset of a collection - use Lookup query syntax
optional: true
type: string
select - coma separated list of values that will be returned
optional: true
type: string
limit - limits number of returned records
optional: true
type: integer (max 200)
- bookmark - bookmark parameter allows to get next page of results
Search for application instances from given definition according to filter parameter and returns records data specified.
404 - record doesn’t exist
json returned:
"NextPageUrl": "https://DOMAIN/api/appsearch/APP_NAME?bookmark=g2wAAAABaANkABFjb3VjaGRiQGxvY2FsaG9zdGwAAAACYQBuBAD_____amgCRj_1k3lAAAAAYQlq",
"TotalRecordCount": 10,
"Records": [
"_id": "1-App-APP_NAME-1-b80448fa12244fecb88d53de5933c1c3",
"_archived": false,
"_modified": "2021-05-26T11:02:15.846Z",
"_editor": null,
"_from": "ADMIN",
"_message": "",
"_state": "saved",
"A_TEXT": "AAA",
"A_DATA": "2021-05-13",
"A_DATACZAS": "2021-05-29T16:18:00.000",
"A_UTC": "2021-05-01T05:30:00.000Z",
"A_NUMBER": 12.34,
"A_BOOLEAN": true
"_id": "1-App-APP_NAME-1-98ff54fcd1e049d68579b06e46fdf24d",
"_archived": false,
"_modified": "2021-05-26T11:02:31.017Z",
"_editor": null,
"_from": "ADMIN",
"_message": "",
"_state": "saved",
"A_TEXT": "BBB",
"A_DATA": "2021-03-17",
"A_DATACZAS": "2021-05-13T05:25:00.000",
"A_UTC": "2021-05-16T14:20:00.000Z",
"A_NUMBER": 23.0,
"A_BOOLEAN": false
GET /api/appsearch/APP_NAME?filter=A_TEXT>'a'&select=_id,_from,A_TEXT&limit=1
REMARK: This returns only production instance!
Distribute application.
POST /api/app
User can use this method to distribute the application to either one or many of the defined groups or to list of users by providing their emails. Application to be distributed is defined using a unique "Identifier", its name. Provided "InputParameters" will be passed as input parameters for each created instance of the application.
User needs to have editor permissions in an app definition in order to be able to distribute it.
Identifier: String
CreateDraft: boolean - optional
DestinationUsers: Array of [String] - optional
DestinationGroups: Array of [String] - optional
"ParameterName": Value
Distributing App with input parameters:
"Identifier" : "PARAMETERSTEST",
"CreateDraft": true,
"inputParameters" : {
"INPUTSTRINGTEXT" : "second parameter"
"DestinationGroups" : ["All"],
json returned:
"CreatedInstancesCount": 2,
"CreatedInstances": [
"AppInstanceId": "1-App-TEST_BUG-4-bf538da014924292987822a533a7f179",
"UserEmail": "AAATESTER",
"Success": true,
"ErrorMessage": null
"AppInstanceId": "1-App-TEST_BUG-4-e3636276f6b14593bb7e08a55c7a4676",
"UserEmail": "Jan.kowalski@QALCWISE.COM",
"Success": true,
"ErrorMessage": null
"Errors": [],
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMessage": null
POST /api/app
Execute workflow Action.
POST /api/app/{appID}
User can use this method to execute a defined workflow action. There are multiple requirements that have to be met to execute this. User needs to be an editor at current state. Current State has to have defined workflow step for the action trying to execute.
Remark: It doesn't matter if the action is visible or not, as long as the execution condition is met it will be executed.
Action: String
Action is the case sensitive name of the action we want to execute.
{AppID} from URL is an actual ID of an instance of application(can be viewed for example when visiting a saved instance of an application from the main stream, the ID is part of the url).
"Action" : "actionname",
json returned:
"CurrentWorkflowState": "saved",
"PreviousWorkflowState": "added",
"AppInstanceId": "1-App-TEST_API_APP-1-28a09849c30b45229d2168493c5080fb",
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMessage": ""
PUT /api/instance/1-App-TESTAPP-1-743bf042411c405d91588317c82d5c55
Enables simple attachment management in application instances or data records.
Method |
Path |
Description |
/api/attachment/{instanceID} |
Get the list of attachments in app instance or record |
/api/attachment/{instanceID}?attachmentId={AttachmentId} |
Download an attachment with given id from app instance or record |
/api/attachment/{instanceID}?attachmentName=Name |
Download an attachment with given name from app instance or data record |
/api/attachment/{instanceId}/{sectionAddress}/?action=ActionName |
Add attachment to given section and save the instance by executing a workflow action |
/api/attachment/{recordId}/{column} |
Add attachment to given column on data record |
/api/attachment/{instanceID}/{sectionAddress}?attachmentId=Id&action=ActionName |
Delete an attachment with given id from section and save the instance by executing a workflow action |
/api/attachment/{recordID}/{column}?attachmentId={attachmentID} |
Delete an attachment with given name from section and save the instance by executing a workflow action |
Get a list of application instance attachments
GET /api/attachment/{id}
GET /api/attachment?id=[ID]
- id: app instance id
optional: false
type: string
This method returns the list of attachments currently stored in an application instance.
json returned:
"Attachments: [
"SectionName": "SECTION1",
"Address": "SECTION1.B1",
"Id": "7c72fbdfaa4e4b978d60b97417356ca2",
"Name": "Dokument01.docx"
"SectionName": "SECTION1",
"Address": "SECTION1.B2",
"Id": "8d546e53184d404ea342b8766212b523",
"Name": "Dokument02.docx"
"SectionName": "SECTION1",
"Address": "SECTION1.B3",
"Id": "b142bdb2fef441ffa5d69fe4c17d457f",
"Name": "Dokument03.docx"
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMessage": null
GET /api/attachment/1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d
GET /api/attachment?id=1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d
REMARK!: This returns attachments stored in all sections of type Attachment and Image.
Download a specific attachment from application instance
GET /api/attachment/{id}?attachmentId={attachmentID}
- id: app instance ID
optional: false
type: string
- attachmentID: attachmentId
optional: false
type: string
This method downloads the attachment specified by attachmentId parameter.
GET /api/attachment/1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d?attachmentId=ea3026ad885a443db959f7f52602b715
REMARK!: To know the exact name of the attachment it is best to first get using API the list of all attachments stored in the given application instance.
Download a specific attachment from application instance
GET /api/attachment/{id}?attachmentName=name
GET /api/attachment?id=[ID]&attachmentName=name
- id: app instance ID
optional: false
type: string
- name: attachmentName
optional: false
type: string
This method downloads the attachment specified by attachmentName parameter.
GET /api/attachment/1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d?attachmentName=companylogo.jpg
GET /api/attachment?id=1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d&attachmentName=companylogo.jpg
REMARK!: To know the exact name of the attachment it is best to first get using API the list of all attachments stored in the given application instance.
Add attachments to application instance
POST /api/attachment/{id}/{address}?action=ActionName
POST /api/attachment?id=[ID]&address=[address]&action=[ActionName]
- id: app instance ID
optional: false
type: string
- address: sectionName
optional: false
type: string
This method adds the attachments included in the request in the form and executes the action to save the application instance. To add a file in the 'from-data' tab, add the appropriate attachment.
The request has to be of content type: multipart/form-data with loaded files that are to be saved in the application instance.
POST /api/attachment/1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d/SECTION2?action=Save
POST /api/attachment?id=1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d&address=SECTION1.A1&action=Save
The request has to be of content type: multipart/form-data with loaded files that are to be saved in the application instance.
json returned:
"SectionName": "SECTION4",
"Address": "SECTION4",
"Id": "1840ffdd436f4ba8818f41f2ab89e0f6",
"Name": "NT.xlsx"
"ExecutedAction": {
"CurrentWorkflowState": "Saved",
"PreviousWorkflowState": "Added",
"AppInstanceId": "1-App-TEST_BUG-4-c8801d708d3c46d5ac4d1facb1d91756",
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErroeMessage": ""
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMessage": ""
REMARK!: In the multipart/form-data only the name of the file matters, and the file is saved under that name. If the name is a duplicate the consecutive incremented integer is added at the end of the name before the file type to make it unique. (It is best to take a look at what was stored after POST)
Add an attachment to data record
POST /api/attachment/{id}/{address}
POST /api/attachment?id=[ID]&address=[address]
- id- ID table or list
optional: false
type: string
- column: the name of the file type coumn to which we want to add the file
optional: false
type: string
This method adds an attachment to a table or list using the column name and record ID.
To add a file it is in the body -> from-data tab in the "key" column choose the type -(FILE or TEXT) and in the "value" column add the file.
Json returned:
"ColumnName": "FILE",
"Id": "b5bad89f6e084017acd71841aa050467",
"Name": "Notes.docx"
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMessage": ""
POST /api/attachment/1-List-Employees-2/FILE
POST /api/attachment?id=1-DataTable-TEST_TAB_API-2&address=FILE
Delete an attachment from application instance
DELETE /api/attachment/{id}/{address}?action=ActionName&attachmentId={attachmentID}
- id: app instance ID
optional: false
type: string
address: SectionName
optional: false
type: string
This method deletes the attachment specified by attachmentName parameter and executes the action on given instance to save the changes.
DELETE /api/attachment/1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d/SECTION2?action=Save&attachmentId=ea3026ad885a443db959f7f52602b715
json returned:
"ExecutedAction": {
"CurrentWorkflowState": "Saved",
"PreviousWorkflowState": "Added",
"AppInstanceId": "1-App-TEST_BUG-4-18df974b9ec24d64a0f88e0609df3a08",
"IsSuccess: true,
"ErroeMessage": ""
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMessage": ""
REMARK!: To know the exact name of the attachment it is best to first get using API the list of all attachments stored in the given application instance.
Delete an attachment from application instance or data record
DELETE /api/attachment/{id}/{address}?attachmentId={id}&action={action}
DELETE /api/attachment?id=[ID]&address=[address]&attachmentID=[ID]&action=[action]
DELETE /api/attachment/{id}/{address}?attachmentId={id}
DELETE /api/attachment?id=[ID]&address=[address]&attachmentID=[ID]
- id - app instance id or data record id
optional: false
type: string
- address - section name, cell address or column name
optional: false
type: string
- attachmentId- id of attachment to remove
optional: true
type: string
- action - for app instances only, workflow action to be performed in order to save attachment in app instance
optional: true
type: string
This method deletes the attachment specified by attachmentId parameter and saves data record or executes the action on given instance to save the changes.
Example (delete attachments from instance):
DELETE /api/attachment/1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d/SECTION2?attachmentID=ea3026ad885a443db959f7f52602b715&action=Delete
DELETE /api/attachment?id=1-App-EXAMPLEAPP-1-7cc1ea9d268b495eaedf49b9a2a08c3d&address=SECTION1.A1&attachmentID=3bbaf07d11254edcb489397834b761&action=delete
json returned when delete attachments from instance:
"ExecutedAction": {
"CurrentWorkflowState" : "saved",
"PreviousWorkflowState" : "saved",
"AppInstanceId" : "1-App-ATT-1-f12213123e1231ef23342",
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMEssage": null
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMEssage": null
Example (delete attachments from record):
DELETE /api/attachment/1-DataTable-TEST_TAB_API-2/FILE?attachmentID=4ce0fa555af84e5997be226fefaf3f7b
DELETE /api/attachment?id=1-DataTable-TEST_TAB_API-2&address=FILE&attachmentID=5493-8a-98144ee2b9aete04dafa939e9
json returned when delete attachments from record:
"IsSuccess": true,
"ErrorMEssage": null
REMARK!: To know the exact name of the attachment it is best to first get using API the list of all attachments stored in the given application instance.