Cell Alias has two functions:
1 - it is an alias and can be used in formulas.
If we set alias to cell A1 from section1 to PRICE, then formula =section1.A1 + 1 is equal to formula =PRICE + 1.
2 - aliased cells in app documents can be queried by lookup formula.
Consider app definition LEAVE_REQUEST with four cells aliased to user, from, to and accepted
This app documents created Data definition with columns equals to aliased cells, this Data object behaves just like any other data object, it can be queried, bound to sections, analyzed, presented in diagrams, the only difference is that you cannot use Save to database workflow action step to modify those values.
Example of lookup formula:
=LOOKUP(LEAVE_REQUEST, user=’john smith’ and from > date(2016,1,1))
App LEAVE_REQUEST with 4 cells aliased
Data tab with app LEAVE_REQUEST and aliased cells as columns
After entering the alias, an additional option appears: "Show on grid view". It allows you to see data from a cell with a given alias in the grid tab of this app.