1. App Name Requirements:
- Must start with a letter.
- Consists of letters, numbers, and underscore characters.
- Cannot contain spaces.
2. Technical Identifier:
- The app name serves as a technical identifier in Qalcwise Designer.
- It is used to refer to this app in relation to other apps and formulas.
3.Uniqueness Requirement:
- The app name must be unique among all Qalcwise definition objects, including apps, lists, and data tables.
4. App Caption Usage:
- If the app caption is not set, the app name is used as the app caption.
5. Search Functionality:
- Users can search for apps by their app name.
6. Example Scenario:
- In the event of creating a new app, the app name is crucial and, if the app caption is not provided, it is automatically used as the app caption (refer to the "Run New App" screenshot)