Dropdown cells are created by a cell editor with a dropdown list, the designer has to provide a list of items by Items option.
Formula inside a cell is default value.
Example of Items formula.
=LOOKUP(Product, Code) - returns a list of product codes
=ARRAY(‘yes’, ‘no’) - returns a list with two items
=Section1.A1:A6 - returns a list of values from range A1:A6
Dropdown definition
Dropdown preview
Designer can easily create dropdown cell from Data dictionary list, just drag drop Data column on cell. Section has to be unbound, or bound to another data object.
Dragging data column on a cell to create dropdown
Remark: The maximum number of elements in a drop-down list using a lookup formula is 50.
On the other hand, if you retrieve values from a table, there is no maximum number of elements.