Create/update package

Creating and updating packages allows you to manage created by you objects on the Qalcwise marketplace. It provides you with new opportunity to share applications, lists and data tables with other Qalcwise users. To start managing packages go to the designer:

then click the button leading to package creation tool:


you will be taken to the package wizard screen. The wizard enables the creation and update packages.

To start or modyfing packages:

1. Choose depending on the needs, an option to create or update a package. By default, the selected option is to create a package.image15.png

2. Select the object you want to add to the package. Related to the other packages will be automatically proposed to be added. Make sure that the added packages are correct, and then add them with the green button. Note - objects with missing definitions may not be published. If the added definitions are invalid, modify the application before you publish the package.image10.png

Lists and data tables have additional configuration options:

    • overwrite data, the definition becomes unmodifiable, and subsequent updates cause overwriting previous data
    • needs configuration, definition after buying a package will appear in the tool to configure packages
    • data, determine whether the data should be copied along with the package, or to receive a label of test data (visible only before buying a package in the preview)

3. Complete the basic information about the package that will be made publicly available at the market.

'Private to' option - allows you to enter the names of the sites and make the package available only to the owners of these sites

Option 'Disable apps modification' - allows to block editing of apps in the package; people who purchase this package will not be able to enter the designer of these apps

4. Enter 3 benefits describing what the buyer of your package can gain. Benefits are a great form of advertising that allows you to highlight the most important features of your product.

    • create-update-package04.png

4. Add the version number of the created package and complete the package with additional media available to the user.

5. After completing the package configuration, you only click publishing package and wait until it is approved at the marketplace.


Congratulations, your package has been published!

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