Description of formula:
Returns a name of the workflow state, where app document currently is. If document is in the start state, formula returns an empty value. It is worth remembering that the Workflow state changes after performing the action steps on leave and before the action steps on action. So when the CurrentState formula is used on an action step on leave, the formula will return the state the action is coming from, and when the formula is used on an action step on action or on an action step on enter, the formula will return the state the action enters into.
Returns a name of the workflow state, where app document currently is. If document is in the start state, formula returns an empty value. It is worth remembering that the Workflow state changes after performing the action steps on leave and before the action steps on action. So when the CurrentState formula is used on an action step on leave, the formula will return the state the action is coming from, and when the formula is used on an action step on action or on an action step on enter, the formula will return the state the action enters into.
Returned type: