Data table/data list

With the introduction of version 2.2, the platform has gained a new, clear design for tables and lists, making their creation and management significantly easier. New features, such as permissions, filtering, and sorting, allow users to better control and customize the way data is presented. Thanks to automatic saving, users can conveniently track changes and modify data according to their needs.

Creating a table/list

To create a new table or list, you can use two methods:

1) Enter the designer, click the "Create List" or "Create Table" button, and then enter its name.

2)In the "Table" tab on the navigation bar, you need to click the "Create" button. After clicking, a window will open where you can create a new application, list, or table.


Upon clicking the plus icon, a window will appear allowing you to enter the column title, its type, key settings, and add a description. After entering all the necessary information, you need to click the "Save Columns" button at the top.

It is also possible to discard the changes made.


Top navigation

It is a bar located at the top of our page above the list or table.

1) Searching for apps, tables and lists

This tool allows you to search available applications, tables, and lists using a dropdown menu. Clicking the down arrow next to the table or list title opens a menu containing all available items.

Entering a name in the search field or selecting from the dropdown menu allows for quick retrieval of the needed item. Additionally, there is an option to filter results by type, such as applications, tables, or lists. Selecting the appropriate filter narrows down the list to items matching the chosen filter, significantly speeding up the search process.


2) Settings - description, workspace, export/import of data and definition, and delete

Clicking on the gear icon in the navigation bar will display a window with various functions:

Description - we can assign a description to our list or table, which will be visible to other users when they expand the options. This is useful for providing additional information about the content of the data or it's context.

Workspace - we can specify the workspace where our table or list should be placed. This provides the ability to better organize data.

Export data / Import data - allows exporting and importing data to and from the table or list. This is a useful tool for transferring data between different platforms or for creating backups.

3) Permissions

When assigning permissions, you can choose between granting them to user groups or specific users.

Owners: As owners of a table or list, you have full permissions to edit, delete, and assign other permissions.

Designers: Users assigned as designers can view the structure of the table or list, add and remove columns. With these permissions, users can see existing tables or lists displayed only as headers (table structure), without seeing the actual data. This helps maintain data confidentiality and control visibility, ensuring access only to those with appropriate permissions.

Who can add data: Users who can add data permissions can add new records to the table or list. If their permissions are limited to the role of designers and 'user who can add data', they will only see a blank new record where they can input data and add it to the table or list.

Users who have both 'add data' and 'read data' permissions can view existing records but cannot edit them. Additionally, they can add new records to the table or list.

Who can read data: Users with read-only permissions can view the entire list or table with data but cannot edit it.

Who can edit data: Users with edit permissions can add, modify, and delete data in the table or list.


App secured

This function allows precise control over user access to individual tables and lists within our application. When the "app secured" option is enabled and a user lacks the appropriate permissions, lookup/lookupvalue formulas will not return values from tables and lists. Additionally, users without read or edit permissions will not be able to modify data through any action steps.

However, if the "app secured" option is not enabled, granted permissions are not checked for formulas and actions. In this scenario, it is up to the designer creating the app to determine which users can read and edit data by assigning permissions within the app and applying action steps and formulas.

4) Columns

This feature allows for managing column visibility, enabling selection of which columns should be visible and which should be hidden. Only the checkboxes that are selected will be displayed, which facilitates work, especially when dealing with a large number of columns. This way, we can quickly limit the visibility of data to only those two columns of interest, which is useful, for example, when comparing values between them.

5) Filter 

Filters allow us to set a group of conditions that determine which records should be displayed. These conditions can specify what values cells must contain and whether empty values should be included.

Filter selection window

Column selection for filtering

Group of conditions

6) Sorting

During sorting on a particular column:

  • For text, sorting occurs alphabetically, either from A to Z or from Z to A.
  • For numbers, sorting occurs from the smallest to the largest value or from the largest to the smallest value.
  • For dates, sorting occurs from the oldest to the newest date or from the newest to the oldest date.

Main sorting panel

Columns with sorting conditions

7) Row Height

This feature facilitates data presentation by increasing the row height, which is particularly useful when dealing with long texts in cells as it enhances readability of the data.

List of Row Heights

8) Page Size

This feature allows us to customize the number of visible records on our list or table.

Page Size List

With larger amounts of data, at the bottom left of the page, there is a "Load More" button that allows you to load additional rows.

9) Save/Load settings

The "Save/Load Settings" function allows you to save preferred display settings for data in a table. With this feature, you can save specific filters, sorting, and column visibility settings. After configuring these settings, you give them a name and save them. In the future, you can easily load the saved settings to quickly restore your chosen data presentation format. If you wish to return to the default view of the table or list, simply select the "Default Settings" option.

Save/Loan settings


10) Export

Export - allows you to export data according to selected settings such as sorting, filters, hidden columns, or limiting to 10 rows.


11) Column Properties

Clicking on the arrow next to the column header will display a window with the properties of that column.



  • Name: Column header.
  • Type: Data type stored in the column.
  • Description: Description of the data in our column.
  • Formula: Functions that enable data processing.
  • Insert left: Adds a new column to the left.
  • Insert right: Adds a new column to the right.
  • Hide column: Allows hiding the column.
  • Freeze this column: Freezes the selected column in place so it remains visible when scrolling through the table. This facilitates data comparison, especially with multiple columns. Note that if columns 1 and 5 are locked, all columns between them will also be locked. It's not possible to lock a single column that is between unlocked columns.
  • Unfreeze columns: Restores a previously locked column to its original state.
  • Delete column: Deletes the selected column


Formulas are functions that enable data processing by performing various mathematical, logical, and text operations. They allow users to perform calculations on values, combine data from different columns, and execute advanced operations to achieve specific results or analyze information.

Formulas are available only in certain plans.


In the table, we have two columns named 'CENA' (PRICE) and 'CENA_PROMOCYJNA' (PROMOTIONAL_PRICE). In the properties of the 'CENA_PROMOCYJNA' column, we enter a formula starting with the '=' sign.

An example formula is:


With this formula, each value in the 'CENA' column will be divided by 2, effectively reducing the price by 50%. The new values will automatically appear in the 'CENA_PROMOCYJNA' column, ensuring that each price is appropriately converted to the promotional price. It's important to note that a column containing a formula is non-editable.

application of formulas


Changes in the structure of a table or list

It's important to note that making changes to the structure of a table or list that contains data may require deleting existing data. There are two main scenarios to consider:

  1. Changing/adding/removing keys

  2. Changes to formulas

Note: If you do not want to lose data, it's advisable to export the contents of the table before making these changes. Then, after making necessary modifications to the structure or formulas, you can import the data back.

Note: Starting from version 2.2, all tables must have at least one key.

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